1. Kid Wiki Pages http://constantinekids.wiki.hoover.k12.al.us/
Sparklee text generator, kids created their names and embeded on their web sites.
Slide.com, each student created a slide show and embeded on their wiki page
Power Point, scribd.com, each student composed an "all about me" Power Point, uploaded it to scribd.com, and then embeded on their wiki.
Dumpr.net-each student took a picture, uploaded their picture from the public drive onto dumpr, edited the picture, and printed it out. Also uploaded their picture to their wiki page.
2. Students studied about rocks and minerals and then collaboratively, produced Smart Board recordings of their findings. http://constantinekids.wiki.hoover.k12.al.us/Our+Research
3. The children used kidblog.org for personal blogs. http://kidblog.org/constantine/student-blogs/
They blogged a published memory writing piece and also posted a fotobabble to go with it. Blogged, All About Me, The History of my Name, a "how to" writing piece, favorite book review.
4. We created a class writeboard, and shared with family and friends from around the world. They posted where they lived, and some facts about where they live. http://tconstantine.wiki.hoover.k12.al.us/Help+Us+Learn%21
5. Using the posts from our writeboard, the children used scribblemaps.com to create a virtual map with pushpins locating our family and friends around the world after a study on maps and globes. http://constantinekids.wiki.hoover.k12.al.us/Our+Family+and+Friends
6. The children practiced fluency then recorded a favorite poem with their book buddies, a hard copy of all of the poems was published into a book and given as a gift to each of our book buddies. An email was sent to our book buddy's parents so that the poems could also be enjoyed at home.
7. As a class project, the children researched different types of weather and the videos were uploaded to our web site to share with parents.
8. The children in the class maintained our lunch count on smart board with venn diagrams. They cloned the appropriate template, then each child dragged and dropped their name on the lunch of their choice.
9. The children uploaded photos to Monster Mash Up and posted on our Twitter Updates: http://twitter.com/constantinekids
13. The class Skyped with a students from another Hoover classroom.
15. The students created a Voki of their favorite book reviews for the year.
16. After a unit on memory writing and personal narratives, the children scanned in a picture of a memory, saved to a folder on the public drive, then used http://www.fotobabble.com/ to upload and narrate the photo of a favorite memory.
17. The children maintained our twitter account: http://twitter.com/constantinekids
18. The children maintained our homework blog: http://constantinehomework.blogspot.com/
19. The children maintained our virtual bookshelf: http://www.shelfari.com/o1517964545/shelf