Wednesday, December 11, 2013

December 11th

1. Log in to Google

  • Go to your DRIVE
  • Click CREATE
  • Click DOCUMENT
  • Title your new document the name of your poem
  • Then SHARE IT WITH ME!! at

 now type your poem, if you do not have all of your poem memorized type what you can then you can let me know and go to the room and get yours or open up the document with all of the poems on December links.

Make sure and type FOR KIDS, and find a good picture to add to your poem AFTER YOU TYPE IT.

Type your name at the bottom.

Print and give to me.

2. If you get done with everything above, go have some fun on December Links!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Perimeter December 3

1. Watch this study jams on Perimeter and take the test

2. Play this perimeter game on ixl...sign in

3. Find the perimeter of the missing side on ixl..sign in

4. Pick 3 perimeter games from this site.

Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2

1. Last chance to finish your Thanksgiving word assignments on Spelling City.

2. Go to History Alive ONLINE. Click on Chapter 9 ans see how you do.

3. Next week you will make a power point on the Causes of the Revolutionary war. Go ahead and start a Power Point in google, Name the first slide THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, choose a background (needs to look like a news article from long ago, and share it with me. Title your Power Point with your name and "The Revolutionary War"
4. Choose level one and Play Factors, Multiples, Prime

5. Check out December Links!!