Monday, December 19, 2011


Every Week do this FIRST in order:

1. Take your multiplication quiz, don't forget to type your name in and click start. When you are done, print it out and hand it to me. Click here to start.

2. Blog your Mad Lib on Edmodo, look at my example!!
3. Can you solve a mystery?? Read this story and see if you can solve the mystery!! When you are done, go to Edmodo and turn in your answer.

When you get done with the above each week, THEN each of these one time:

2. Look at ALL of these links on Landforms.

3. Click on this link, then log into United Streaming and watch the video on Martin Luther King Jr. Then title a blog post Martin Luther King Jr. and write at least 3 sentences about what you learned. Then write one sentence about how you felt about his childhood and one sentence about how you felt about him as an adult.


This part is ONLY if you have done everything above, usually you will do this at the end of the month. AND, you can always do these from home!!

Brick Breaker
Create a Car
Make a Snowman
Make a Robot
January Links

Ask your parents if you want to start your own blog:

I use

Make a Movie

Friday, December 2, 2011


If you do not have a computer at home and have not finished your assignments from last week on Pearson and Spelling City , do those first. 

Every Week do this FIRST:
1. Blog about something you are interested in!! Have fun and here are some ideas: , re-read and correct before posting! Read posts from 3 of your classmates (it can be me too!!), make a nice, positive, acceptable for school comment  on each one that you read. It needs to be at least one complete,  correct sentence:)
2. Log into Spelling City, and do your first 2 activities.

Go to our Tennessee Aquarium Page and put a sticky note about your favorite part of the trip!

When you get done with the above each week, THEN do any of these but just once:

Change your profile picture if you want, directions are on the Social Science group in Edmodo.

 Listen to and read The Respectful Prince and the Dwarfs When you are finished, go to your blog, Type the title, and post the moral or lesson of this story.

Check out Mrs. Ripp's kid blogs
This part is ONLY if you have done everything above, usually you will do this at the end of the month. AND, you can always do these from home!!

Ask your parents if you want to start your own blog:
 I use

Make a Movie

December Links

Monday, October 24, 2011


If you do not have a computer at home and have not finished your assignments from last week on Pearson and Spelling City , do those first. 

Log into Edmodo and vote on the Thanksgiving question poll.

Every Week do this FIRST:
1. Blog your Weekly News, stick to your topic, re-read and correct before posting! Read posts from 3 of your classmates (it can be me too!!), make a nice, positive, acceptable for school comment  on each one that you read. It needs to be at least one complete, . correct sentence:)
2. Log into Spelling City, and do your first two activities.
3. Play 2 division games each Monday.

When you get done with the above each week, THEN do any of these but just once:

Watch this video about electricity, make sure you know the difference in a series circuit and a parallel circuit. Go to your blog and make a post describing either kind of circuit.

Build a Circuit and experiment with it!

Play these electricity games, each circle has activities to go with it!

Play scatter to review vocabulary words we did last week.

Play this adjective and adverb game, you must score at least an 80 before you are finished.

 Count Money

 Listen to and read The Respectful Prince and the Dwarfs When you are finished, go to your blog, Type the title, and post the moral or lesson of this story.

This part is ONLY if you have done everything above, usually you will do this at the end of the month. AND, you can always do these from home!!

Electrical Circuit game
Electricity Games
Make a Movie

November links:
Veteran's Day
VA Kids
I am the Flag of the United States
I am the Flag text
I am the Flag 2
Thanksgiving Links

Monday, October 3, 2011


Take your multiplication quiz up to x12, remember to type your name and press start and print when you are done, bring your quiz to me.

Log in to Pearson Successnet and finish 5 activities

We have an account on Spelling City now!! Once you get to the site, click the "student" button in the top right corner. Then log in, you username is your S number in your agenda and your password is 123456! You should see "my assignments" click there and begin learning your words for this week.Click here to get started.

Go to Quizlet to play 2 games for words you have already learned. Play scatter and space race

If you did not reply to my comment on magnets on Edmodo, do that now.

Learn more about spiders, watch this video on how the jumping spider catches its prey!

Go to any link on the rest of this post that you have not done yet.

Go to Book Adventure, log in, take a quiz on The Mixed up Files, Click "show html quiz" SHOW me your score, then take a quiz on Flying Solo, show me your score.

Count Money!

Play 2 Electricity safety games: Find the hidden Dangers and Make the Safe Choice

Go to this link and watch the first two videos on electricityl

Read one article on National Geographic

See if you can beat the Multiplication 4 in a Row

Practice the multiplication table we are on this week: 9

Go on a lab hunt!!

Extra, make sure you have made 100% on your multiplication table for the week before you go here!!

Have fun building your wild self!
Make an Animated Movie!
Have fun on any of these October links!

Monday, September 12, 2011


Go to your blog and make a post about "Our Class News". Pick at least one interesting thing that happened last week and write a paragraph about it. Remember, a paragraph has at least 3 sentences.

Go to Spelling City, type your words in. Choose teach me, then click and listen to each word. Then you can click play a game.

See if you can beat the Multiplication 4 in a Row

Practice the multiplication table we are on this week:
Choose 2 books to read on Tumble books, sign in as... sshades   books
Choose 2 videos to watch

Sunday, August 21, 2011


1. Go to Spelling City, type your words in. Choose teach me, then click and listen to each word. Then you can click play a game.

2. If you have time, play the Data Picking game. We will be working on collecting and interpreting data in Math for the next few weeks.

3. Go to our scavenger hunts, scroll to the bottom, and open the link for The Hundred Dresses. Read your directions!  :)

Finish typing your Top 10 Guess Who if you haven't.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


1. Finish your rocks and minerals scavenger hunt and give to me.
2. Add favorite sites that you have used in computer lab this year to your web page.
2. Can you put together the United States??!!
3. Name the 50 states!!
4. Play a multiplication game.
5. Play a subtraction game.
6. Play a division game.

When you get done with the above try this:

Star in your own video!

If you are done with everything, you can have free time on any of the sites from our computer lab page this year!

Monday, April 4, 2011


1. Play the Gregor the Overlander Game, don't stop till you get to 10!!
1a. Now take this Gregor Quiz, show me your score!!
2. Finish your all about me power point and uploading your fotobabble to your blog.
3. Practice your multiplication facts
4. Play a contraction game.
5. Count #
6. Click here, then click "animal" on the left, choose a group of animals you like, then scroll down and choose a video to watch.
7. Go to and upload your all about me power point,
get the embed code
open your wiki page on another tab
sign in and embed your power point on your page under "all about me"
8. Listen to your wordly wise words
9. Follow my directions to download Tetrominoes Game
10. Play both of these Internet Safety Games
Through the Wild Web Woods
11. EarthDay Sites
12. Play Tetrominoes

Thursday, March 10, 2011


1. Give Grandpa Cookies (fractions)
2. Play a contraction game
3. Probablililty game Play the marbles in a bag game, spinner game, and the coin toss game.
4. Play 2 Division Games
5. Do one each of the area and perimeter links on our favorites page.
6. Play the temperature game..
7.  The Can you Fill It Game
Liquid Measure
8. This month's project: Write at leat 3 memories, choose 1 to revise and edit. Type your final copy on your blog. Create a fotobable and embed on your post.

Monday, February 7, 2011


1st Go to book adventure and take a quiz on Stone Fox, make sure you show me your score before goint to number 1.

1. Go to your blog and make sure you have finished your 'history of my name" post. When you are finished, comment on 3 friend's posts.

2. Go to Wordly Wise and and listen to all of the words for this week.

3. Practice these measurement activities.  1, 2, 8, 9, 12

4. Practice Rounding to the nearest 10 and 100

5. Play  4 Place Value Games ...Play one of each game.

6. Probability

7. Make an All About Me Power point. You will need 7 Slides:

1. Title   2. History of Your Name  3. My Family  4. My Hobbies  5. My Favorite Thing to Do  6. My Favorites   7. What I'm Good At

Monday, January 3, 2011


1. Practice Fractions
2. Prefix/Suffix
3. Change Maker -Start with easy!
3. Telling Time
4. Calendar Game-Start with level 1

 For laptops